
It may be wonderful to have a network of churches, but how does the entire organization remain healthy?

Obedience-Based Discipleship

In many communities, a small group of leadership determines what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ for the rest of the community. When this is done well, it can work well. However, occasionally that group is not healthy themselves, which can lead to an unhealthy culture of shame, guilt, secrecy, and/or control.

We know God is at work in every individual’s life. As we live together, a common conversation you’ll hear is, “What is God asking you to do?”

Every individual is expected to be obedient to the voice of God in their life. For some, that means praying 5 minutes more each day. Others may appear more outwardly radical, but each step towards obedience is significant and celebrated.

Together, the entire community seeks to be obedient to the voice of God.

A Commitment to the Bible

At the foundation of our community is the Bible, God’s Word to humanity. We are deeply committed to the authority of the Bible in our community and lives. We approach the Bible with humility, and with an open posture because we interpret the Story together.

The fact that we are committed to living life together applies to our approach to learning and reading Scripture. We read it together, in community, and foster open environments where questions are welcomed.

You don’t need years of education to read and understand the Bible. An inquiring mind, good questions, and a desire to hear what God is saying is more than enough!


A Listening Posture

We know that the Spirit of God is present in our midst. Conflict or disagreement is an opportunity to slow down and listen. We encourage everyone to hear and respond to the voice of God in their lives and we follow that same practice in our entire community.

We want to be a people who are quick to listen, and slow to speak.