Grow Intentionally

Your spiritual journey isn't a passive thing. You are invited into an active role in growing, changing, and living out your faith in your everyday. That can be a scary, but it doesn't need to be when you enter into a community to support you.

Move With Purpose

God is working on you. When we set our beliefs on things that are true, we create a safe space to explore our pain and find true healing.

If you’re ready to take your life and mission to the next level, Gospel Fluency will invite you to realize a way of life that opens up spiritual conversations and live on mission.

How Does This Work?

Often, faith communities have a centralized program of classes to teach about the faith. You move from one class to another, going deeper into the program.

We focus on discipleship in your everyday. We function as families, where the Bible is our foundation and questions are welcomed. Your growth outcomes are not determined by someone else, but by learning to listen to the Holy Spirit and following in obedience.

Gospel Fluency

