Showing our Flaws
Somewhere along the way, being like Jesus lost honesty and morphed into an outward perfection. The pursuit of religious zeal put up shiny veneers, forgetting about the hard work it takes to achieve that result naturally. One of the most disarming aspects of sharing the meal with others is giving up the pursuit of perfection, and openly showing our flaws.
I came from a churched background, where every Thursday was cleaning day. Every Sunday lunch involved a pot roast in the oven, with Yorkshire pudding, and our best clothes. It wasn’t that it wasn’t real, but it wasn’t authentic. Between those manicured gatherings of people were family breakdowns, messes, exhaustion, and all the real things of life.
Those flaws are where the Gospel shines. When we bond perfect veneers over the rotting, chipped underbelly, we manufacture a cheap gospel that changes nothing. It is in the brushing, flossing, and food choices that we see something beautiful emerge: a commitment to health, and a recognition that we are far from perfect. God takes the cavities and chips of our life and makes them beautiful.
To live missionally is to live openly. The grace of the Gospel takes root in the midst of a family meltdown. The love of Christ demonstrates itself when a couple fights. Our perfection isn’t a testimony, but our reliance on God in our flaws is.
If we are going to share the table with our neighbours, then we also need to be ready to show them our human flaws. It’s not going to be pretty, but it will give real opportunity to share how God is working in our lives, and fosters an environment where perfection is not the goal, but honest pursuit of God is. Our mess creates room for the Gospel to shine through.
Weekly Practice: Honesty
The disciples were the perfect example of honesty. They fought, were often jealous, thick-headed, and most importantly were deeply loved by Jesus. They were a zealous lot, knowing that Jesus was the promised messiah, but not understanding the scope of what that meant until the Spirit came. These are the individuals from whom God chose to build the Church.
I think I would have chosen the rich young ruler. Jesus knew that it wasn’t the outward appearance, but the surrender of the whole person that would be a founding mark of his Kingdom.
Can we seek to follow in those footsteps this week?
It starts with an honest answer. As you share the table this week, would you do it with complete honesty and transparency?
I find myself struggling to ask for help, because I want to be capable. I spend hours cleaning and preparing for others, because I want to be admired. I mull over conversations so that I can be eloquent.
None of that leaves room for the Good News – that Jesus is enough not just for me, but for us.
So I will choose to be weak. I will choose to be vulnerable. I will choose to be hurt. I will choose to barely hold it together. All because God is strong, He is safe, He loves us, and He is in control.
Let’s live those truths honestly this week.